PinnedLeveling Up: Advice for Aspiring Junior Developers (2/2)3. Your first tasks 4. Your code, not your rulesDec 22, 2024Dec 22, 2024
PinnedLeveling Up: Advice for Aspiring Junior Developers (1/2)1. Balancing emotions and connections 2. Teamwork mattersDec 22, 2024Dec 22, 2024
PinnedWhat I learned during my time at Talkdesk?Talkdesk certainly was an amazing school for me, my background was based on consultancy context, which was also a school but for a…Sep 12, 2022Sep 12, 2022
PinnedDivide to conquer — a nice principle to takeWhen I was taking my bachelor back in college and was learning the sorting algorithms, there were a few where you had to split the array…Dec 23, 2019Dec 23, 2019
Documentation Tips — How to show progress in Notion based on your Jira boardA practical example of how to create a progress bar in NotionApr 7, 2023Apr 7, 2023
Stop following others.I feel nowadays everyone is trying to follow something even when they say they don’t want to follow the “script”. There is this fake…May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
Eu quero viver num mundo de qualidade e justiça, tu não?Eu sei que estamos neste momento numa fase crítica de saúde pública à escala mundial, mas como todos sabemos a vida não pára só porque…Apr 24, 2020Apr 24, 2020